Renovation of the Municipal Garages

The Maintenance and Parking Garages were renovated in the summer and fall of last year. Some of the renovation works include insulated overhead doors, frames and weather strip packages. Two four-leg hydraulic lifts were installed while the foreman’s office and meeting room have been given a much-needed face lift. “The building is more energy efficient. The lighting and ventilation systems have provided a much better working environment for our workers.”, said James Arreak, Senior Administrative Officer. He further stated, “We are thankful to Community and Government Services for making this renovation possible. The Hamlet looks forward to their continued support in building another Parking Garage because the community has very limited space to house its heavy-duty equipment especially in the winter months.”
Kangiqtugaapik Food Bank

Local residents, over the years saw the need for a local food bank to support community members who are in need of food and other supplies. They took the initiative to incorporate Kangiqtugaapik Food Bank as a non-profit organization in December 11, 2019. With the support of our Community Economic Development Office (CEDO) the Food Bank received funding from several sources.
The Hamlet would like to thank the following companies for their generous donations:
- Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce (BRCC)
- Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA)
- Arctic Co-operatives Limited
- Government of Nunavut
To learn more about the Food Bank, donate or find volunteer information please visit Kangiqtugaapik Food Bank
Fish Processing Facility

Baffin Fisheries Coalition (BFC) and Clyde River Hunters & Trapper Organization (CRHTO) are teaming up to build a Fish Processing Facility. This includes a community freezer which will comprise of a fishing plant and a butcher shop. Exciting plans are being put in place to launch exportations of our fish to the Canadian market and all over the world including to Japan and China as quota for Turbot and Arctic Char are expected to increase.