As residents and businesses make preparations for the annual sealift season, Mayors throughout Nunavut have engaged the Government of Nunavut (GN) to find out what additional measures would be made to ensure COVID-19 is not introduced to our communities during the 2020 sealift season.
Consequently, the Department of Community and Government Services, GN is working with us to ensure that shipping companies and other agencies take the necessary precautions to mitigate any COVID-19 risks associated with the loading and discharge of vessels in our community.
GN has put in additional provisions to existing practices and procedures for re-supply companies to implement so that our COVID-19 concerns are addressed. One of those measures, is GN’s appointment of a “Community Beach Representative” (CBR) for our community.
For the 2020 sealift, the CBR will be the main point of contact between the local population and the sealift operators during the entire sealift operations. The CBR will assist and participate in the planning and execution of the sealift operation to help mitigate risks that may impact the health and safety of the community. However, the CBR will only be present on the beach during dry cargo transfer.
Council wants to assure our residents that we will remain vigilant and take whatever steps are necessary to safeguard your health and safety during this challenging time.
If you have any concerns or require additional information about the steps the hamlet is taking for this year’s sealift operations, please contact our Senior Administrative Officer at 1 867 924 6220 ext. 205.
Keep safe and have a wonderful summer.
Our New Website – June
Welcome to Clyde River’s New Website. We are excited to share with you, our residents, businesses and stakeholders, some of the events and activities that are taking place in our community. We are also keen on showcasing the work that our dedicated staff provide to make this community a spectacular place to live and grow.
This month is the beginning of a series of celebration despite the constraints that COVID-19 has placed on our community. 2020 is a momentous year for residents in Nunavut as this year’s Nunavut Day will be the first time that the holiday is extended to everyone in the Territory. Our Hamlet will also celebrate Indigenous People’s Day, Canada Day and Hamlet Day in a few weeks’ time.
Our Recreation Department is putting together programs that take into consideration appropriate social distancing measures while at the same time ensuring that residents have fun, food and much excitement. The events will showcase what our community has to offer – from our cultural diversity, rich history and heritage, vibrancy and prosperity.
To ensure our entire community can join in the celebrations, we have accessed grant funding from several sources including Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (NTI), the Government of Nunavut and the Federal Government. On behalf of Council, we would therefore like to express our deepest gratitude to our sponsors for their continued support in promoting and preserving our culture.
I encourage you to check out these programs and events elsewhere on this website. We look forward to seeing you as you join us celebrate summer’s arrival with all these festivities.
Mayor’s Monthly Insight May 26, 2020
It is on the lips of both big and small; and at the forefront of everyone’s mind. The COVID – 19 pandemic has taken the airwaves like nothing ever seen before.
As Mayor and Councillor members, we very committed to our community’s well-being and everyone has a part of play.
As residents, the number one thing that we can all do is maintain good hygiene – wash hands, cough or sneeze in your sleeve, avoid shaking hands and practice physical distancing.
Some measures that the Council has taken include increased sanitization at the airport and other municipal facilities; and extended hours of the radio station to keep our community entertained and informed.
We are also partnering with Ilisaqsivik Society and Hunters & Trappers Organisation to provide food for vulnerable elders and children during this difficult time.
Anyone with severe symptoms should seek medical attention by calling the local Health Centre and informing them of symptoms and recent travel history to ensure the right infection prevention and control precautions are taken.
Please keep safe, we are in this together and we will overcome.
Jerry Natanine, Mayor
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